Aquí is an innovation collective based in Barcelona. It cooperates with citizens and local organizations for a fairer, more sustainable and healthier city. It facilitates participatory urban design processes and contributes to creating solidarity networks. Aquí’s goal is to make streets living spaces and create accessible public spaces.
Aquí works in the field of participatory urbanism and puts the concepts of inclusion, and care at the center of participant interaction. Aquí tries to make all participants feel safe regardless of their age, gender, sexual orientation and culture. It prioritizes diversity and representation in recruitment processes. In addition, it organizes workshops such as women-only or queer-only workshops in order to empower marginalized voices.
Aquí has a living wage policy, overtime pay and/or leave, and menstrual leave policy.
Also, working parents can benefit from flexible working hours to support them in their caregiving responsibilities and has a right to prioritize “care” regardless of whether they need to be cared for or care for someone else.
Aquí has a policy for diverse, inclusive, and transparent recruitment. It also has a code of ethics defining its workspace attitude and behavior, and a policy for clear and consistent job description. Regular team meetings are organized for sharing and checking ongoing projects and team relationships. During such meetings, team members make collective self-assessments on inclusion/exclusion mechanisms. Decision-making processes at aquí are horizontal and rely on consensus.
Aquí has an equal pay policy and programs to support women in key positions in order to ensure gender equality in the workspace.