- Give a title: Please indicate the name of the civil society organization or the social enterprise you recommend for the award. This could be an organization that you currently work, have worked before, or you know about.
- Choose a category: Which dimension of a workplace is your story about? This could be about the spatial (physical features, working areas, design decisions), policy (social rights, policy documents, mechanisms), programmatic (working groups, trainings, budgetary decisions), community (employee relations, horizontal relations, wellbeing) dimensions or issues that go beyond the workspace (relations with outside, environment). You can select multiple categories.
- Select a country: The story you share could be in EU Member States, as well as from the UK, Serbia, Iceland, and Turkey.
- Share your story: Explain why and how the story you share makes the workspace inclusive, diverse and care based in no more than 300 words.
- Share your contact: You can share your e-mail and phone number if you want us to be able to contact you in the future.
- Upload visual: You can share a visual that represents your story. This is optional.
To nominate for the Caring Workspaces Award, please fill out the form below to share your 'better story' of a caring workspace. Please take notice of the following when sharing;
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